You Know It’s Time To Get A Bidet When…
March 31, 2009 by blogwriter
Filed under Bidet Articles
1. You’ve run out of toilet paper for the second time this month
When are you gonna learn? With a bidet installed, you can say goodbye to running out of toilet paper and having to clean yourself up in the shower, getting bits and pieces of your dirty excrement all over the tiles. Toilet paper gets used up. A bidet, on the other hand, will always be there when you need it.
2. Reaching out behind you is just a tad too hard
If you hurt your arm and can’t move it, reaching out to wipe your ass down probably isn’t an available option. What are you going to do, ask someone else to clean your dirty bum for you?
3. Your bum’s a little too sensitive
Does toilet paper hurt to use? It probably does if you’ve got hemorrhoids or have extra sensitive skin on your posterior. Of course, you can always buy softer, virgin-grade toilet paper but even that may prove a little abrasive. A bidet solves all that, washing your butt with a gentle gush of cleansing water that neither hurts nor irritates.
4. You discover that your ass stinks
Is it that hard to realize that your ass probably stinks when all you do is wipe it down every time you use the bathroom? Why live with a stinking posterior when you can remove all that smell by washing with a bidet?
Stay Clean All Day And All Night With A Bidet
March 25, 2009 by blogwriter
Filed under Bidet Articles
Ever ran out of toilet paper in the middle of the night right after you performed the deed on your toilet? That must have given you quite the fits. How are you going to clean your bum? Will you be willing to go commando and drive down to the convenience store with soil on your ass?
As a bidet user, knowing full well that the experience won’t ever happen to me is actually very comforting.
With a bidet in tow, cleaning up after dumping your excrement is as simple as pushing a single button. It’s there ready to clean you off at all times of the day, from the first crack of morning to the quiet of the night. There’s no running out of toilet paper and no driving down the 7-11 with a dirty posterior – just pure bathroom convenience whenever you need it.
That usefulness alone should encourage everyone to get a bidet. Forget the fact that it’s one of the most useful bathroom amenities ever created, installing a bidet will help you break your dependence on that old-fashioned wiping implement. Even if you feel unprepared to give up the toilet paper now, a bidet should give your bathroom more options.
Can you imagine having guests spending the night when the toilet paper runs out? Just think about how humiliating the event will be for them. Would you really want to put your visitors through that kind of turmoil?
Get a bidet now – it will help you in more ways than you could have dreamed possible.
Wiping Versus Washing: Which Cleans You Better?
March 19, 2009 by blogwriter
Filed under Bidet Articles
Deciding to get a bidet, ultimately, comes down to two choices. Would you rather wipe or wash your bottom areas?
The Case For Wiping
Americans are notorious wipers. They love the feel of toilet paper in their hands as they brush it across their posterior and genitals to clean whatever dirty items got left over after performing their regular body processes.
Wiping, to those who prefer it, probably feels like the best thing they can do to clean that bum. Since you can vary the strength with which you rub over the area, you’re supposed to be able to remove any dirt that you want. It can get sticky down there, after all. “How can washing clean all that off,” they ask incredulously when someone suggests the idea of a bidet, “isn’t that gross?”
A second benefit to wiping, which we seldom hear about, is that you can throw those tissues on the same bowl and not have to see the output of your bodily excretion. When you get up to flush, you don’t have to look at dirty chunks of soil, since all that toilet paper on the bowl is already covering it.
The Case For Washing
Washing posteriors has long been the cleansing method of choice for many Asians and Europeans. To them, the idea is hardly gross. In fact, isn’t it more unseemly to wipe with the offensive and the occasional caked soil regularly left over? Can you really remove the E-Coli bacteria from just wiping it off?
When you use a bidet, you never even have to bring your hands near your bottom area, allowing the vigorous spray of water to clean the whole thing out for you. Since you can adjust the water pressure from soft (if you’re just washing your genitals) to forceful (for tough-to-remove dirt) with a single touch of a button, you can clean your posterior out as thoroughly as you like. There’s no smell, no leftover and definitely no more bacteria.
Would you rather wash your hands or wipe it before you eat? Think about it.
Luxury Toilet Papers: Soft On The Butt, Heavy On The Environment
March 17, 2009 by blogwriter
Filed under Bidet Articles
Extra-soft, quilted and scented – that’s the push many manufacturers are now lending multi-ply their toilet papers. Is the American tush really that cherished that we need to chop down virgin wood just to pamper it silly?
That’s the question green campaigners have been raising recently, as the market for luxury toilet paper makes an unprecedented growth. No longer content with wiping their soiled bottoms with just standard toilet fare, consumers are purchasing more of the conspicuously-manufactured specialty variety that critics claim does more damage to the environment than driving a gas-guzzling Hummer.
“For bath tissue, Americans in particular like the softness and strength that virgin fibres provides,” said Dave Dixon, a spokesman for Kimberly-Clark, who spend upwards of $20 million in advertising quarterly to convince people of the merits of luxury toilet paper. Dixon noted that recycled toilet paper fiber has been in the market for years and people could buy them if they wanted to – but they aren’t.
He isn’t lying either. The New York Times, in fact, reported a 40% increase in luxury toilet paper sale in 2008. Despite the financial crunch, those numbers only look poised to even grow. Just how Americans, who are among the most vocal when it comes to promoting environmental awareness, can continue to live with the wasteful consumption of toilet paper without batting an eyelash is certainly an odd case.
What is the solution to all this? Greenpeace recently launched a list ranking toilet paper products in terms of their environmental impacts, in hopes of encouraging people to buy more of the less-wasteful kind. Many other eco-conscious people, though, have long found a better alternative: paper-free bidets, that wash your bottom clean instead of requiring you to wipe it down. Don’t you think it’s time you made a real change?
That Foolish Affinity With Toilet Paper
March 12, 2009 by blogwriter
Filed under Bidet Articles
Every time friends visit my home and they finish using the bathroom, the conversation inevitably turns to toilet paper for the simple reason that I have none. Yep, my friends frequently come out of the bathroom aghast, sometimes even offended, that they just relieved themselves without having any toilet paper at hand.
I’ve been a bidet user for a good part of two years. Unfortunately, few of my friends have followed suit.
Unlike folks in many parts of Europe and Asia, Americans have an unusual affinity to toilet paper. Wiping themselves free from the remnants of their excretions seem so well-ingrained, it’s nearly impossible to get over.
For proof, try visiting a home and living trade show where bidet retailers have a booth. You’ll see people shy away, repulsed at the very idea of washing their posteriors instead of wiping it with paper.
The sad fact, however, is that bidets can clean dirt from those hard to reach areas better than brushing with paper can ever hope to do. If you get kechup on your hands, for instance, would you feel cleaner wiping it with a tissue or washing it over a running stream of water then patting it dry afterwards? The same holds true for your tush, believe it or not.
Different people have their own theories as to why Americans continue to make do with their toilet papers, even scenting and adorning them with flowery decorations. Whichever one you subscribe to, it’s hard to imagine how it can ever feel more hygienic and sanitary to clean yourself using them. With bidets, you don’t even need to touch the area, allowing the aerated stream of water to clean it out for you.
Why don’t you give the toilet paper some rest and try a bidet for once?
Conserve Resources By Eliminating Toilet Paper With Bidets
February 24, 2009 by blogwriter
Filed under Bidet Articles

Eco-conscious homeowners are ever on the lookout for new technologies that will help reduce our use of resources and the bidet has proven to be a valuable home addition that achieves just that.
Do you know that in the United States alone, people use an estimated 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper annually? That means over 15 million trees cut down from forests, 473 billion gallons of water used up during manufacturing, 17 terawatts of electricity powering the toilet paper factories and 253,000 tons of chlorine employed for bleaching the pulp. Now, imagine how much resources are wasted for toilet paper production worldwide.
If you’re at all concerned about reducing your household’s environmental footprint, the bidet is an easy way to achieve it, single-handedly eliminating the need for toilet papers in the bathroom. A single toilet seat bidet (you can find decent quality, non-electric ones for as low as $50) can be attached to your existing toilet and plugged into your plumbing with just a short amount of work. If you hire a contractor to install it, the whole job should cost you no more than $150.
Using only water to clean you up after doing the dirty deed, it uses very little resources for essentially the same function as toilet papers. Apart from the cleaning, some bidets even include a drying mechanism so you really don’t need any toilet paper to wipe your posterior dry. Alternatively, many green-conscious bidet users keep bidet towels to pat themselves dry instead of toilet papers to totally eliminating the pulp product from their bathrooms.
If you’re really earnest about saving those rainforests, you may want to get serious about installing a bidet. It really will help you achieve those conservation goals faster than ever before, as well as hold off on the use of plenty of resources in the process.