Teaching Children To Use A Bidet

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childbidetWhen potty training your child, it would be a good idea to introduce them to using a bidet as well.  After all, what better way to raise them avoiding toilet papers entirely than to get them used to washing themselves with a cleansing gush of water?

Easy To Learn

Since a bidet facilitates very easy cleaning, it won’t be all that hard to learn.  In fact, the convenience of a bidet will probably make the whole process easy.  There’s no toilet paper to wipe with and no difficult areas to reach into.  Just teach them what buttons to press to get clean and it’s done.

The Bidet Is Not A Toy

That’s a lesson that you’ll probably need to repeat a dozen or so times.  Kids are naturally playful and curious, so a contraption with buttons and dials is automatically a source of amusement.  Once they discover the gushing water that spouts, seats that heat up and air that magically blows, it’s not too far-fetched to imagine the bidet-fitted toilet bowl as a setting for the next superhero battle.  Needless to say, it’s doesn’t seem all that palatable to have your kid turning the toilet into a playground for an extended amount of time.

Teaching Hygiene

When you teach your children about a bidet, make sure to point out that it’s a lesson about hygiene.  Bidets are great pieces of technology that allows you to stay fresh, smell good and avoid bacterial infections that can result out of improper cleaning.


2 Comments on "Teaching Children To Use A Bidet"

  1. amelie on Thu, 13th Sep 2012 12:39 am 

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    I use bidet as a part of my kid’s potty training. I want him to learn the importance of proper toilet hygiene at a very young age. I believe that we should use bidet as a part of our bathroom routine. It promotes safe, clean and hygienic bathroom experience. I just bought some of this bidet that i will give to my friends a a gift – http://products.mercola.com/toilet-bidet/

  2. Sarika on Wed, 10th Apr 2013 1:45 pm 

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    So here’s what i’m wondering if you go to the bidet store do you think they’ll let you try one. I mean not acltauly go in one but just try the water part. Because I’d want to try one if I was going to buy one.hmmmm

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